CS 6384: Computer Vision

Spring 2025

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S: Richard Szeliski. Computer Vision: Algorithms and Applications. 2022th Edition. Available online: https://szeliski.org/Book/

F&P: David Forsyth, Jean Ponce. Computer Vision: A Modern Approach, 2nd Edition. Pearson, 2011. (Optional)

H&Z: Richard Hartley and Andrew Zisserman. Multiview Geometry in Computer Vision, 2nd Edition. 2004. (Optional)

*This schedule is tentative and subject to change as the term evolves.

Date Topics Course Materials Instructor Deadlines
Week 1
Lecture 1
Tuesday 01/21/25
Introduction to Computer Vision Readings:
[S] Chapter 1
Lecture 2
Thursday 01/23/25
Image Formulation: Geometric Primitives and Transformations Readings:
#1: [S] Chapter 2.1
Week 2
Lecture 3
Tuesday 01/28/25
Image Formulation: Camera Models Readings:
#1: Stanford CS231A Course Notes 1
#2: [H&Z] Chapter 6
#3: [S] Chapter 2.1.4
Lecture 4
Thursday 01/30/25
Image Formulation: Light, Shading, and Color Readings:
#1: [S] Chapters 2.2.1, 2.2.2, and 2.3.2
Week 3
Lecture 5
Tuesday 02/04/25
Image Processing: Filtering I Readings:
#1: [S] Chapters 3.1 and 3.2
Yapeng HW1 release on 02/03, due 02/10 at 11:59PM CT.
Lecture 6
Thursday 02/06/25
Image Processing: Filtering II Readings:
#1: [S] Chapters 3.3.1, 3.3.2
#2: Non-local means Wiki
Week 4
Lecture 7
Tuesday 02/11/25
Feature Detection and Matching: Detectors and Descriptors I Readings:
#1: [S] Chapters 3.2, 7.1
Yapeng HW2 release on 02/11, due 02/18 at 11:59PM CT
Lecture 8
Thursday 02/13/25
Feature Detection and Matching: Detectors and Descriptors II Readings:
#1: [S] Chapters 7.1
#2: SIFT IJCV paper
#3: ORB ICCV paper
Week 5
Lecture 9
Tuesday 02/18/25
Deep Learning: Convolutional Neural Networks I Readings:
#1: Stanford CS231n lecture notes
#2: Deep learning with PyTorch
Yapeng HW3 release on 02/16, due 02/23 at 11:59PM CT
Lecture 10
Thursday 02/20/25
Deep Learning: Convolutional Neural Networks II Readings:
#1: Stanford CS231n lecture notes: optimization
#2: Stanford CS231n lecture notes: Backprop
#3: Backprop for a linear layer
Week 6
Lecture 11
Tuesday 02/25/25
Deep Learning: Recurrent Neural Network Readings:
#1: DL textbook: Sequence Modeling: Recurrent and Recursive Nets
#2: Stanford CS231n, lecture 10, Recurrent Neural Networks
#3: Long Short Term Memory
#4: Gated Recurrent Units
Lecture 12
Thursday 02/27/25
Pytorch Tutorial TA
Week 7
Lecture 13
Tuesday 03/04/25

Midterm Exam (TI Auditorium, ECSS 2.102; 11:30 AM - 12:45 PM)

Lecture 14
Thursday 03/06/25
Post-Exam Review and Course Project Description Yapeng HW4 release on 03/01, due 03/08 at 11:59PM CT
Week 8
Lecture 15
Tuesday 03/11/25
Deep Learning: Transformers Yapeng
Lecture 16
Thursday 03/13/25
Deep Learning: Generative Neural Network Yapeng Project proposal due 03/19 at 11:59PM CT
Week 9: Spring Break; No classes.
Week 10
Lecture 17
Tuesday 03/25/25
Recognition: Visual Representation Learning Yapeng
Lecture 18
Thursday 03/27/25
Recognition: Object Detection Yapeng HW5 release on 03/26, due 04/02 at 11:59PM CT
Week 11
Lecture 19
Tuesday 04/01/25
Recognition: Semantic Segmentation Yapeng
Lecture 20
Thursday 04/03/25
Motion: Optical Flow Yapeng
Week 12
Lecture 21
Tuesday 04/08/25
Motion: Deep FlowNet and Applications Yapeng
Lecture 22
Thursday 04/10/25
Guest Lecture I Prof. Cheng Zhang
Week 13
Lecture 23
Tuesday 04/15/25
3D Vision: Camera Calibration and Pose Estimation Yapeng
Lecture 24
Thursday 04/17/25
3D Vision: Epipolar Geometry and Stereo Yapeng
Week 14
Lecture 25
Tuesday 04/22/25
3D Vision: Structure from motion Yapeng
Lecture 26
Thursday 04/24/25
Guest Lecture II Prof. Heng Fan
Week 15
Lecture 25
Tuesday 04/29/25
CVMC Lab Research Yapeng Project presentations are due
Lecture 25
Thursday 05/01/25
Course Project Presentation I Students
Week 16

Tuesday 05/06/25
Course Project Presentation II Students

Thursday 05/08/25
Course Project Presentation III Students
Report Week

Tuesday 05/13/25
No classes Final report due at 11:59PM CT on 05/07/24